61 Harris Rosen (Orlando, FL) writes, “I will be visiting Ft. Bragg in September for my sixth year in a row to celebrate my birthday.  This is where I did my basic training during my junior year at Cornell.  Rosen Hotels and Resorts will be celebrating its 40th anniversary on June 24, 2014.  We started with a 256-room motel we purchased for $20,000 and assumed a mortgage.  Today we have 6,400 rooms and no debts.  My four children are all in college, three of them at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management and one at the Culinary Inst. of America.”  Thanks, Harris, for the news.  Meanwhile, friends, we need to hear from you too.  Doug Fuss and I know how much you like to read the column, and it’s good to learn what’s going on in your lives.  We’ll be sending an e-mail solicitation for news in early October, so we hope that will bring plenty of updates for our upcoming issues. If you haven’t written yet, please do.  Or you can go directly to the online news form at http://www.alumni.cornell.edu/participate/class-notes.cfm.

Doug suggested, “Write about your retirement.”  Well, we went on the road right away after my husband’s last day.  Up to Canada, then a bit later to Colorado and Santa Fe to join up with my daughter and her family vacationing there.  We needed to visit Palo Alto soon after to look after Bill’s mom and it’s been at home ever since.  I’m up to my eyeballs in local library volunteer work, and Bill practices guitar each day leading to a soiree in our home in a couple of weeks where he’ll play the music of the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos.  He doesn’t miss the pulpit, but does miss leading the choir.  I tease him that it’s the black robe that I miss.  What’s ahead?  Most likely a move to the East to be near daughter Heather.  We both love history and there’s enough there to fill lifetimes.

And there it is.  And you can write just as much stuff as I just did.  We can’t ask you enough.  Please write us.  Susan Williams Stevens, sastevens61@gmail.com; Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net.  Online news form http://www.alumni.cornell.edu/participate/class-notes.cfm.